Last batch sent today!
over 10 years ago
– Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 04:27:01 AM
The last batch of games are sent today! By now, you should have either received your copy, or received a USPS notification tracking your copy. If anyone has not seen a tracking notification, do let me know!
Thank you everyone for the ride. It was a great amount of fun; so much so I might be tempted to do it again with an expansion...
Stay tuned my friends.
Half way there!
over 10 years ago
– Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 09:59:25 AM
Status update:
- Half of the games have been packed for delivery/delivered. You should have seen a tracking email from USPS if you are among those folks.
- Everyone else's should go out by 10/13; so everyone (maybe except some international backers) should see the game by 10/20!
- Warring Kingdom play party was great; thank you everyone for coming!
For those of you who have received the game and played it, please head over to BGG to rate the game!
I'd very, very much appreciate it. Tell your friends about the game; copies of the game will go on sale as soon as all backers receive their copies!
~Happy Warring,
Warring Kingdom Play Party--This Sunday!
over 10 years ago
– Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 05:42:33 AM
First, a reminder: the play party, where you'll be able to pick up your copy of the game and enjoy playing it with the Warring Kingdom team and other backers, will be held on
This Sunday, at 1pm, at Walker Memorial (142 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02142).
Friends and gamers welcome!
Second, 8% of the game have been delivered, and we are waiting for a large shipment of USPS boxes before sending out the rest. All shipments will be done with USPS priority mail, with insurance and tracking, to guarantee the safest and fastest deliver.
And again, please double check your address on record in backerkit if you have recently moved or if you are prone to typing your address wrong (I know I do it all the time!)
If anyone wants an extra copy, or would like to add on the playmat, let me know right away so I can bundle it into your shipment!
Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!
Sept Update: GAMES LANDED!
over 10 years ago
– Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 09:04:26 PM
I'll start with some good news, then follow it by some more good news, and close it off with one extra good news. Enjoy the update!
All the games are now off the boat, into warehouse!! Starting next week, all games will be sorted and shipped to YOU, in reverse-geographical order so that most backers will receive their copies at relatively same time.
Please double-check your backerkit to make sure your pledge questions are complete and addresses up to date!!
Next up, I have mentioned the possibility of a Warring Kingdom play-party, and received many emails, FB messages, Kickstarter messages etc. expressing interest. So the party is official a go! All local backers, and not-so-local ones who wish to join us, are all welcome! We will meet on
MIT campus at Walker Memorial,
3rd floor in the "Gym" (which is filled with desks and very MIT)
On Sunday, 9/28 @ 1pm. Friends are welcome too!
Please RSVP here. Not binding, and if you happen to show up without RSVP I won't kick you out either....but it does help me get a rough head count and better prepare.
Finally, starting next week, updates will be provided WEEKLY to keep everyone posted.
That's all folks. Thank you all, and again, please do go double check your address in backerkit, and you can make any updates to it right there!
August Update!
over 10 years ago
– Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 08:38:18 AM
That's right everyone, the game has been fully printed, packaged and is shipping to the U.S. as we speak! It'll make its journey to NYC, then to Boston, where it will be distributed to all of you!!
More specifically, we are looking at an arrival date of 9/20, and first copy of the game will go out before the end of the month. Everyone in the Boston Area, plus take note we will be having celebrating with a Warring Kingdom play-party, if you are interested, shoot me a note!!
Most U.S. Backers can expect the game by 10/15 based on current estimates, and international backers by 10/20. Of course, to keep optimism in check, there can still be steps that will delay these dates, but I'm feeling quite confident that we will deliver on time!
That's all folks~ Stay safe, and stay cool!